Supporting your wellbeing, While supporting your community

We are currently living in an environment of unrest within our communities in within the world. Many of us want to show our support and impact change (rightfully so). It is still important to have boundaries and take care of ourselves.

As women, particularly black women we tend to take on a lot of the burdens of trauma and stress for ourselves and that of others. This prolonged exposure to stress and trauma has a negative impact on our wellness as it relates to our mind body and spirit.
Even indirect exposure to stress and trauma causes our body to have a fight or flight type of response releasing adrenaline and norepinephrine. Every time you are exposed to a traumatic news broadcast, social media post or get into a confrontation over social media or in person, your body has this stress response. Continuously experiencing high levels of stress impacts  our response to pain, our ability to heal, and our ability to feel rested and refreshed.

First, I would like to say UNPLUG. As much as we want to stay up to date down to the second. It is important that we are not consuming information on what is happening every minute. This goes back to our bodies experiencing a stress response that we want to give our minds and bodies relief from.

On the other hand, I would recommend you stay up to date, if doing so helps to relieve anxiety. It’s all about finding a balance that works for you. I know for some it is helpful to know what is going on, and it is important to be educated on the current issues but set boundaries.

Allow yourself to fell and talk about what you are feeling. Its okay to grieve, be angry or sad; All of your feelings are valid. There are many resources for finding someone to talk to in your community. I will share a few therapy recourses below. If therapy is not accessible or comfortable for you; confide in a friend who will allow you to express yourself openly without judgement.

You are not obligated share your feelings publicly! You are allowed to feel and grieve without feeling that you have to share on social media if you do not want to. 

Take action that feels good to you. Rather that is donating, protesting for justice or educating your peers. Do what feels right to you! 

Enjoy a film that celebrates black public figures, that educates you on the social injustices of our past, or enjoy one that simply supports black creators! Take a moment to decompress while still feeling connected. 


Therapy resources:


Sign Petitions:


I hope you found this information to be helpful.
Continue to grow and glow in wellth! XO Queen Gray





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